Showing posts from category: News

FISM Quebec – 2022 – 3rd Prize in Card Magic
Thank you to everyone who supported me in taking 3rd prize in Card Magic at FISM Quebec, the world championships of magic. I’ve just discovered that I’m only the fourth American to stand on the podium for card magic, and the first American to accomplish this in two decades. I’m honored, humbled, and overwhelmed. I…

The New York Times
It’s wild to type this, but I have now officially been featured in The New York Times. The above picture is the full-page article on the television show Ships Of The Northern Fleet. As many of you know I worked on the show as a Special Effects Supervisor. An intrepid reporter covered the cultural touchstone,…

Getting Ready for Penn & Teller: Fool Us! Part 3
Off to battle… The morning of the taping my incredible partner Leslie carried my table down to the theater so my hands wouldn’t get injured. In hindsight that was stupid of me. I should have just rung down for a bellhop. Whatever. I was escorted downstairs where I would meet the three other performers in…

Getting Ready for Penn & Teller: Fool Us! Part 2
Let me quickly begin by saying, I’m sorry for the delay. I side effect of being on Fool Us is having the best winter season I’ve ever had. So instead of editing this blog post, I’ve been doing magic for people as well as releasing my effect Ultra Lucky Coin on Penguin Magic. Here is…

Getting Ready for Penn & Teller: Fool Us! Part 1
January 10th of 2018 my life took a dramatic change. I was casually deleting junk e-mail when the sentence, “Hi Erik, Congratulations, we would like to officially book you to appear on Season 5 of Penn & Teller: Fool Us, filming this March at the Rio Suites Hotel in Las Vegas,” caught my eye. This was…

I’m Going to be on Penn & Teller Fool Us!!!
Hey guys, I’ve been keeping a secret. I AM GOING TO BE ON PENN & TELLER: FOOL US!!!!! We filmed back in March and I have so many things to tell you, but I can’t until after it comes out. Stay tuned because I am going to have a big giant update on…

IBM Gold Cups Close Up Competition 1st Place
I’m 80% Certain This Is A Dream The picture you see above was taken at 7:45 on July 7th of 2018. It’s the president of the International Brotherhood of Magicians awarding me first prize in the IBM Gold Cups Close Up Competition. I’m floored and humbled and beside myself and still can’t quite believe it’s…

Now Critically Acclaimed
I have been having an absolute blast at the Cincy Fringe Festival. Please Shuffle The Cards has had some really incredible audiences and some really special moments. I’ve had couples on a first date, young magicians tell me they want to do a show like this, and just last night it turns out someone wanted…

No Such Thing As Magic
I completely forgot to post this. I wrote it last year, and a magazine published it. This essay was written during the lead up to a two week run of Please Shuffle The Cards. I’m in the middle of re-mounting that show at a bunch of theaters this very week. Read my essay, “There’s No…

Success Is Not A Lonely Endeavor
A few weeks ago I finalized a two week run of my theater show Please Shuffle The Cards. Getting the show off the ground was not something I was able to do alone. There were lots of people who looked at the script, who looked at the effects, and who gave me technical advice that…

Columbus Alive Interview
The incredible Brad Keefe interviewed me to preview my show Please Shuffle The Cards. You can read all about it here!

Columbus Underground Interview
The ultra wonderful people at Columbus Underground interviewed me in preparation for my show Please Shuffle The Cards. You can read about it here!

614 Magazine Article
I wrote about the insanity that is Pokemon Go for 614 Magazine. You can read about it here!

Columbus Alive Article
The very nice folks at The Columbus Alive wrote a very nice article interviewing me and previewing the 2016 Whiskey Bear Comedy Festival. Check it out here!
This Is A Story All About Binary
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Pokemon Go Explained To People Who Don’t Understand What The Fuck Is Going On
A lot of people have asked me what Pokemon Go is. I think it’s time we had an explanation for people who don’t quite understand. I’ve been a fan of Pokemon for twenty years. When you live with affection in your heart for something that long you learn to explain it to people in…

A Solution To A Problem
A few days ago as of this writing a gorilla was shot at the Cincinnati zoo in order to protect a child that had fallen into it’s enclosure. It is tragic all around. I’m not here to present blame. It is absolutely not the fault of the zoo. Even an ardent conservationist like myself believes…
I am sick of your engagement photoshoots. So I did my own. | Brooke Cartus
In June of 2015 the amazing comedian Brooke Cartus came to me with a photo project making fun of engagement photo shoots. She posted it to her blog where it was seen by a whole mess of folks. I just figured out how to cross publish blog posts to my blog, which is why you…

Bathroom Strategy
There is currently a spat going on in the United States regarding who should use which bathroom. The argument is largely that trans folk should be required to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender assigned at birth. The reasoning behind this seems to be, if we don’t legislate bathroom policy men will figure…

A 20 Year Fan of DC Reviews Dawn of Justice
Recently my good friend Dustin Meadows asked me to join the cast of Whiskey Bear Comedy Presents: The Roast of Batman. Whiskey Bear Comedy does periodic roasts of fictional characters which are lots of fun. Usually some of Columbus’ finest comedians dress up as iconic characters and write cutting jokes about pop culture icons. In…
The Lost Art Of The Stick Shift
In general I am a man who is obsessed with the new and wonderful. I like having the latest iPhone and the fastest macbook. I want my screens to be ultra high res and attached to the fastest broadband that money can buy. My camera can not only compose it’s own picture but also light…

Why Fallout Shelter Is The Creepiest Game Ever
I love my games. My Wii U and I are good friends. Every couple of weeks I play Smash Brothers with a friend’s children, all the while trash talking the youngsters. I really like games on my iPhone. I am not the biggest console game player in the world. A quick hit of social gaming…
Strange Bedfellows
NOTE: To protect the anonymity of certain persons, places, and things some of the descriptions and activities below have been altered or exagerated. That being said, the following events are close enough to the truth that this discalimer is probably unnecessary. As a professional comedian I have performed in some very strange venues; including but…
Six Weeks Is My Measure Of Success
I recently had what I now realize is a rather large success. My next appointment isn’t for six weeks. For those who don’t know, which is probably most people, I have privately struggled with depression for a number of years. It wasn’t until recently that a name was given to my personal rainy day parade….
My Jurassic Journey
When I was 11 I was in the grocery store checkout line of the Food Lion when I saw a small magazine called Disney Adventures. It was the size of a half sheet of paper, and contained articles on things that any 11 year old would want to know about. This zine was primarily concerned…